How to speed up your mobile app development timeline?

Promatics Technologies
5 min readMar 9, 2018


Mobile app development is a fairly complex and time taking task that needs lot of efforts and proper synchronization. The developers may suffer badly due to hectic schedules, coding and deadlines. If the app developers are not using the right methods of mobile app development or following a proper strategy, it will surely affect the quality and speed of the app.

Many business owners and entrepreneurs are struggling to build the best mobile app that survives in the competition. These days, mobile apps are built to get recognition by targeting potential customers. If the app won’t be able to get the required attention, then your hard work goes in vain. Nowadays, hundreds of mobile apps are emerging in the market every day. The benefits of your app may diminish with time, especially if the app development process slows down. If you want your app to be effective enough to attract thousands of users, it should be developed in the right time.

Can you speed up app development without sacrificing quality? Let’s explore:

1. Focus on Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Mobile app developers often make the mistake of releasing fully developed app. In order to develop a quality app, it is must to focus on MVP that would help you in building app presence in the market. When you focus on MVP, the users get a sneak peak of what your app is about and how it is beneficial for them. You can get feedback from the users and make necessary changes accordingly. Stick to the right measures of improvement and release the updates in a timely manner using agile techniques.

If you take a look at some of the popular apps like Airbnb, MainChimp, etc — you will find that these apps were well tested by MVP. You should understand the customer’s reactions and requirements before taking the plunge. Focusing on the MVP helps you highlight the capabilities of your idea and build a quality app.

2. Start designing using wireframes

Wireframes give you an idea of what you need to achieve. Not only this, they will help you figure out the information architecture of the product you want to build. When your customer approaches you with an idea, you should first focus on the design and then jump into app development. Wireframes help you set a clear direction for the whole app development effort you are going to put.

If you are going to develop an app without considering the design, you will end up designing a useless app. wireframes helps you estimate the visual design and not the actual development timeline. Focus on low-fidelity wireframes to speed up the app development process. Wireframes give you a unified platform to discuss the functionality of your app. The thoughts and ideas of app developers can be sketched to awesome user experience by creating low fidelity wireframes. Remember that good things always come with limitations and there are different ways to overcome the challenges.

If you are not sure about the right methods of mobile app development, you should consult a reputed mobile app developer.

3. Hybrid app development

There is always a debate whether one should choose hybrid app development or native app development. Well, hybrid apps are built using different web technologies such as — JavaScript, HTML and CSS. Native app development is limited to a single platform and it is time consuming. For example — an app development for Android platform cannot work on iOS platform. It is always a good idea to choose hybrid app development, if you want to speed up the app development process without spending extra dollars.

There are a few cross platform hybrid solutions such as — Xamarin, Adobe Phonegap, etc that can help you launch your apps for both iOS and Android. Separate implementation is going to increase delays, if you go with native app development.

Steps to speed up your mobile app development

4. Outsourcing

Outsourcing app development to a specialist is one of the best ways to speed up app development process. Developing the app using in-house app developers is no doubt a great idea. However, if the app has some complexities that need special skills, it is better to outsource those elements of app.

Remember that mobile app development agencies have people with different skillset who take care of different elements of your app. When any complexity arrives during the app development, they can handle it with ease. It is always a better solution to outsource app development task, especially if you have tight schedules.

5. Agile development

If you are working on waterfall development method, you should switch immediately to agile development. There are many app development companies that follow agile development as it speed up the process. Though waterfall development provides a better structure than agile development, app developers prefer agile development because of the productive results. The main reason behind agile app development is that the companies can’t take the risk of staring all over again.

Agile development has a flexible software structure that is ideal for open-ended communication between app owners and app developers. In short, it accelerates the app development process and ensures that the app is built on time.

6. Automated testing

Automated testing is one of the important phases of mobile app development that reduces the mobile app development cycle. Organizations can run entire suite of tests at a time during automated testing. This reduces the time spent on manual testing and helps in improving the security of the app.

Automated testing comprises of several testing methods that are applied simultaneously to save time. As the testing procedure becomes faster, the app development process also speeds up. Implementing more than one testing method offers error-free code. Some companies manage a library of features that just need to be integrated into the app. All these techniques can help in building the app faster and earn immense profit.


Embrace the best app development methodologies to speed up the app development process and launch the app at the right time. Whether it is sticking to hybrid designs, focusing on MVP, working on wireframes or automated testing you can surely speed up the mobile app development timeline. If you are a beginner in mobile app development, implement the above methods to shoot through the process of app development. Give importance to wireframes and hybrid app development so that you can give new life to your idea.

You can hire the best mobile app developers for android and iOS app development from Promatics technologies. Our team is equipped with cutting edge technology solutions and can help you come up with perfect implementation of your idea.

